Powering Ahead: Celebrating High to Low Voltage's Phenomenal First Half of 2024!

July 1, 2024

2024 has been a year of growth and progress for High to Low Voltage, as we continue to make strides in expanding our presence in the industry and connecting with professionals around the world. With the first half of the year nearing its close, we're excited to reflect on some of our most notable achievements so far.

One particular highlight has been our presence at a range of trades hows throughout the United States. From PowerGen in New Orleans to DistribuTECH in Orlando, we've had the opportunity to connect with industry professionals and make valuable new connections in different parts of the country. Exhibiting at National Demolition in San Antonio and IEEE T&D in Anaheim, CA allowed us to witness the unique contributions made by so many industry professionals and develop new connections with key players in the industry.

Moreover, we're thrilled to have expanded our Sales Team by adding Johnny Alliston and Dick Lysaght to our team, located in Little Rock, AR, and Cleveland, Ohio, respectively. The expansion allows us to serve our clients better through proximity and give more personalized service.

We're also proud to have launched the High to Low Voltage online store, where customers can purchase Hammond Dry-Type Transformers with the simple click of a button. In addition to electronic upgrades, we've also reorganized our space for more efficient servicing and to allow for production line expansion. 

Finally, we've improved convenience for clients wishing to make warranty claims, with an easy to access online submittal form on our website.

As we look forward to the second half of 2024, we're excited to see what further growth and progress we can achieve. We are delighted to meet and exchange ideas with industry players at our upcoming RE+ 2024 show in Anaheim, CA, from September 9-12, at which we'll be available on Booth 1513 in the Marriott Ballroom. Come check us out or send us a message to schedule a meet up -https://www.re-plus.com

Thank you to our partners and clients for your support and contributions to our successes this year so far. Here's to making more progress and significant connections in the second half of the year.

Your friends at High to Low Voltage

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